In Silence

In Silence
Photo by Amy Tran / Unsplash

My father was not a perfect role model. He made mistakes (severe mistakes!) in life but there was two particular things that he did:

  • He very rarely got angry nor emotional.
  • He never resorted to violence (at least from what i've seen - in front of his kids). No matter how angry nor supposedly emotional he was.

When i was a kid, I used to noticed this: he used to sit in his prayer mat after his fajr prayer, doing nothing. Just sits there idling; seems to be half contemplating and half a sleep. Just sit in silence, having a little bit of time until he got to prepare to work.

Fast forward now, as a father myself, I start to understand it. As a father of the family, there are things that you gotta endure on your own. The head of the family shouldn't let emotion take the best of him. If the captain panic so does the rest of the crew.

Just endure it.

In silence.



Thirty something male human being. You are now reading this corner of internet where where I share my thoughts - not in particular order tho.